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  • Pilot Officer Job Career
Date : November 6, 2020

Our Organisation is one of the top job services that recruits employees that have qualifications in the flight industry. This job is designed to give the employee the opportunity of flying and exploring the horizon. It includes a range of responsibilities too:

  1. Responsibility for the health of passengers on board.
  2. Ability to speak multiple languages in case of a foreigner.
  3. Following the rules adhered and to give a wonderful experience to the passengers on board.

The requirements for this job are:

  1. A good understanding of the machines used to fly the aircraft.
  2. Good Mathematical Skills.
  3. A degree in a related subject.
  4. Good Communication Skills and Writing Skills
  5. Problems Solving Skills.
  6. Time Management and Organised Skills.
  7. Good level of technical expertise.

The salary for this job for beginners is around £24,000 a year. Then if working in higher stages, the pilot officer will earn around £28,000 a year. When the pilot officer becomes an experience, he would earn as a range from £36,000 to £48,000 a year.

As a beginner in this job, you will be given the training to understand the way the pilot officer works. When done your job will begin and your salary will be £24,000 a year.

if interested in the job please submit a CV at the contact details written and we will contact you for further details.

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