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Flight Instructor

Flight Instructor

We are recruiting all employees that have a maximum understanding of how a plane works, the duties to follow, skills communication. As we are at the beginning of the year, we are seeking many problems with new people unknowing how aviation is built. For that reason, this recruitment ad will be suitable for you to […]Read More

HAC College

HAC College

My name is John Smith and I am the manager of the course in Aviation. I teach in the Aviation Higher Academy and give lessons to many of my students explaining my history as a pilot officer and the aircraft we have used to maneuver. This year you will be able to learn many specifications […]Read More



Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Ronald Patterson and I am willing to advertise to you the aircraft that I have been kept so far with me. These aircraft have been with me since my dad was around and kept with care. As my dream has changed I am willing to sell five […]Read More

Biography of a Legend

Biography of a Legend

Hello Everyone and I am writing to you to show you the biography of one of the most ever pilots who have set on an aircraft. He was recognized as one of the most fearful pilot officers and that was brave in any problem. I know that for you will be hard to learn from […]Read More

Bye Aerospace eFlyer 2 for Sale

Bye Aerospace eFlyer 2 for Sale

This that I am introducing to you in the eFlyer 2 “electric powered” plane. This plane has remained in our branch since we bought it from the organization Bye Aerospace. Since we bought this vehicle we did find issues to use it as it was electric and we were thinking that the battery would not […]Read More

Part and Exchange Services

Part and Exchange Services

We are Part&Exchange groups LTD. Our aim is to provide our clients with the best part that suits their planes and helicopters. We are established for many years and also received excellent feedback about our service and the work we do. We are the best for fixing your aircraft and we do everything that needs […]Read More

Air Pilot Learning

Air Pilot Learning

I give a warm welcome to all you people who wish to study and become a pilot. This year’s course will be related to how you will be able to fly an aircraft. For that, we are giving away a book that teaches you all the basics about flying. Since you bought this book, you […]Read More

Aviation Documentary

Aviation Documentary

Good to hear from all of you, indeed. My name is Grant and I am describing what other things you might need to know about Aviation. There are so many important facts about Aviation that includes from its birth to now. These facts will be found in the documentary I have done for you. It […]Read More

Flight Attendant Job Career

Flight Attendant Job Career

This is one of the jobs where we recruit a lot of employees. These employees will have the opportunity to meet new people every day in the aircraft and to communicate with them within multiple languages. It is also a good opportunity for a beginner to have this job as part of his experience as […]Read More

Pilot Officer Job Career

Pilot Officer Job Career

Our Organisation is one of the top job services that recruits employees that have qualifications in the flight industry. This job is designed to give the employee the opportunity of flying and exploring the horizon. It includes a range of responsibilities too: Responsibility for the health of passengers on board. Ability to speak multiple languages […]Read More
